Fax: 904-770-5594
Services & Procedures
A Life Without Pain is Possible.
A life without pain is possible, through a comprehensive multi-disciplinary approach to pain management. The onus of responsibility is placed on the patient to address their unique health care needs. For example, health disorders like diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, and or BMI (body mass index), all contribute to the patient's pain. Accountability is the key to compliance in healthcare.
We want to provide health, sports, spine rehabilitation and interventional pain management, to each patient.
Care that is superior to all the competition.
The key and the difference is communication and the art of communication. We will communicate with each and every member of the healthcare team as well as our patients and their support network.
We believe in find a problem, fix a problem mentality. We do not want to mask a problem nor creating a new problem. Opiate abuse is at a all time high, and as we are not scared of prescribing we demand careful meticulous monitoring. 50% of chronic pain management patients suffer from depression, The question is what come first?
Are you ready to get on the team? Are you ready to improve your quality of life? I look forward to working with each and everyone of you, improving your quality of life with regards to pain.
Below is a comprehensive list of services, treatments, and technology in which we specialize in for treating patients suffering from spine and chronic pain related disorders.
Interventional Pain Management
We use state of the art radiographic and ultrasound guidance for multiple interventional procedures. We believe in pain free pain management and will go above and beyond to make your experience relatively pain free.
Skilled Nursing Facility Services
Florida Pain Specialists a division of the Institute for Florida Pain Specialists are providing comprehensive pain management to multiple skilled nursing facilities in Florida. We currently have privileges at Heartland, Life Care, Signature, & Consulate facilities, etc. Before your loved ones are admitted to an acute or subacute facility ask if they have a team board certified in Interventional Pain Management.
Suboxone Treatment
Addiction medicine and opiate use disorder treatment.
Refer to videos below
Orthopedic & Pain Rehabilitation in House
Physical medicine is the standard in orthopedic and pain rehabilitation. As a Physiatrist assessing body mechanics, and discussing proper therapy is quintessential to pain relief and recovery. Our Goal is understanding the role of fear-avoidance in acute and chronic pain and the necessity of motion in preventing progressive musculoskeletal pain.
Smoking Cessation
Ready to assist with smoking cessation During Covid-19 counseling and referrals to Tobacco Cessation Specialists​
Call Tobacco Free Florida at 1-877-U-CAN-NOW (1-877-822-6669) to speak with a trained Quit Coach ® who will help you assess your addiction and help you create a personalized quit plan. You’ll have access to a Quit Coach ® 24/7, and you’ll receive three free personal coaching sessions, scheduled at a time that works best for you. You’ll also be eligible to receive a FREE 2-week starter kit of nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges if medically appropriate and 18 years of age or older.
Nutritional Advice
Pain can be directly related to one's diet and health. Understanding that the body is a machine that needs the right fuel to function is key to rehabilitation and biomechanics and weight are joints matter. Ask your MD.
Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative Medicine is cutting edge interventional procedures to regrow damaged tissue:​
Stem Cell
Regenerative Tissue
Oxygen Therapy​
Traumatic Brain Injury​
Cognitive/Behavioral Evaluation and Medical Treatment with Therapy/Medication/Oxygen/Nitrous Oxide/Ketamine
Custom Therapy and Recovery Plan
Referral for Special TBI Brain Imaging
Future Modalities
TMS Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen
Neurodiagnostic Testing​
EMG/NCS with Powered by NeuroDX and iNERVATE Neuromuscular Clinic​
Hospital Services
We are currently on staff at all St. Vincent's Hospital Southside, Riverside, Clay & Orange Park Medical Center, and we are happy to consults on any of our patients.
Below is a comprehensive list of procedures in which we specialize in for treating patients suffering from spine and chronic pain related disorders.
Neck Pain
Facial Pain
TMJ Syndrome
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Nerve Block Injection
Back Pain
Compression Fractures
Disc Herniations
Facet Syndrome
Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome
Peripheral Neuropathy
Degenerative Disc Disorder
Disc Herniations
Compression Fractures
Nerve Block Injection
Spinal Stenosis​
Peripheral Neuropathy
Spinal Stenosis
Other Disorders
Cancer Pain
Sports Injuries
Stem Cell Injections